Did you say $5? YEP!

Did you say $5?  YEP!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tis the Season to Sale, Sale, Sale

Hey there, stranger!

Sorry about my current blogging vacation.

I don't have to tell you that life gets crazy and some things move to the back-burner.  But, that's why I love my Paparazzi Business.  Sometimes it is non-stop and other times I stop it all together...and give myself a much needed break.  Either way, I get to choose how much time & effort I put into it.

So...welcome back!  

This is the most wonderful time of the year!  

You can already hear holiday music on the radio and all the big box stores have their Christmas decorations neatly organized by color and style.

Everywhere we turn, people are already thinking about Christmas.  That's good for us Papa gals! We get to help those shoppers find fashionable gifts, without breaking their budget.

Now...how do you find those shoppers?  

*Host your own home party, even if you just had one.  I try to host MYSELF a party every other month, and I make it a goal to add 5 new people to my guest list.  Give your party a fresh perspective by adding a fun holiday game, or even have a holiday special.  My special for December is Customer Appreciation and I'm having a Buy 3, Get 1 Free SALE!  
*Call your previous Hostesses and give them a smoking special if they book a party in the month of November or December.  Let them know that this is a great time to get FREE jewelry to give to others for Christmas.

*If the weather is nice, have your own yard sale.  Throw out some of the crap you found deep in closets while Fall Cleaning, but make the sale mostly about your jewelry.  People will stop.  People will shop...and when they do, tell them you are looking for hostesses.

*November & December happens to be the busiest time of the year for Expos.  Work hard to book yourself one, or see if you can't share a booth with another Consultant in your area.  Sometimes, you hardly break even at an Expo, but you are likely to book additional parties.  In order to do this, you MUST make a personal contact with each & every person who walks by your booth.  A few of my favorite lines are: "Have you heard of Paparazzi Accessories?"  Whether they say yes or no, I just carry on with my little script: "Everything is JUST $5."  When they give you that double-take and stop in their tracks to look, I say: "Paparazzi is a party-based company, and I do home parties, events and shows."   

*While at the Expo, make it a POINT to visit with other vendors and collect their cards.  They often know of the next show or event, and there ain't no shame in a "cold call" later on to ask them where their next event is.  Pretend you are interested in their product, and ask them for the contact information for the event organizer.  Try it. It totally works.

*Make sure each and every person who shops or stops gets a business card from you.  In fact, give them 2 or 3 and ask them to share with their friends.  Also, if you have upcoming events you already know of, make sure you include a small slip of paper in each sales bag that tells where you will be next & when.

*If you accept credit cards, your passers-by need to know!  Shout it from the rooftops...or at the bare minimum have a large sign so they can see it from across the room.  Most visitors to expos/events actually have very little cash on them.  Let them know that if they got "No Money", they got "No Problems."

*Share your participation at expos/events on nearby FOR SALE Facebook sites.  You might consider having a special if your customers mention your ad when they visit your booth.

*Gotta love me some Facebook.  But the problem is, you can post something and it can be a gazillion posts down in your NewsFeed.  So, if you are posting on Facebook about your business, be sure to do so as frequently as possible.  Once every other day seems acceptable.

*On Social Media sites, make sure your post is appropriate for the site.  For instance, I found a "Children's Items For Sale" site.  So, I make the post about my little girls' jewelry, but throw in information about the Mommy Line too!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Paparazzi's Marketing Materials

If you haven't done so, be sure to check out these amazing Marketing Materials from Paparazzi!

Starlet Shimmer

Starlet Shimmer items are great and so affordable for families--plus Mommy can shop longer when her little diva is shopping from the Starlet Line at the same time.  Paparazzi requires you to sell your Starlet Shimmer pieces for a minimum of $1 each--but don't feel like this puts you in a box.  I have seen Starlet go for $2 or 2/$5.  At my next re-launch party, I am giving them away!  For every piece Mommy buys, Mini-Mom gets a free one.  Consultants can purchase these in the Back Office 10/$5, or just 50 cents each!  Get some...RIGHT NOW!!

 Pink Paparazzi Sale Bags

If you are doing an event, these are a must!  If someone is familiar with Paparazzi and they see another event-goer carrying a bag, they will WANT TO KNOW where your booth is!  Because, once someone buys Paparazzi, they keep coming back.  What I love most about these bags is that they are ridiculously affordable at just $4 for 100 bags.  

Loyal Customer Cards

These are perfect for enticing some of your closest family, friends and customers to buy more...and come back for more!  After 12 purchases, your customers will receive a 13th item for free!  These are just $1 for a pack of 10.  

Customer Information Sheets

Building a customer base is a big deal for Paparazzi.  Why? Because our jewelry is memorable!  Once someone becomes a customer, they typically stay a customer. The trick is to make sure they stay YOUR customer.  Ask your customers to fill-out a Customer Information Sheet so that you know how to get in contact with them regarding your next event, next party, or new inventory.  To help people feel more comfortable, offer these as the "tickets" for give-a-ways or drawings--your customers will be more likely to fill one out if they think they will earn a freebie!

Family Road Trip

Nothing like a short weekend trip to rejuvenate your soul and to advertise your awesome $5 deals!  

Our family is taking a short trip to a wonderful place just 2 hours from our home.  And, while the main focus of the trip is for family fun, I am not going to pass up this opportunity to make part of this trip about advertising for my business.  And, now that our customers--new and old--can order online, we can advertise everywhere we go.

Business Travel Tips
1. Flyers & Business Cards: Bring along a separate bag filled with simple flyers & your business cards.  For every place you stop, eat, shop and pee or poo, find a place to leave behind your mark--not referring to the pee or poo, but your flyers and cards.  Most restaurants, gas stations, and hotels have a place to leave something behind.  Keep your eye out for cork boards and business card holders--which are ironically & usually located near the pee & poo place. I don't know why?!

2.Hotel Computers: Make a quick stop at your hotel lobby and be sure to add your website to the desktop of every computer you pass. I mean, who doesn't check the history of the person who used it before you got in??  Some people really are checking the status of their flights, and some are well...checking other things.

3.Jewelry Case or Basket: Bring along a case or basket of your jewelry.  Make a point to pull-it out during your continental breakfast at the hotel--and make sure somewhere there is an oh-so-subtle sign stating $5 on your case or basket.  Bring along a notepad or binder and pretend to write down some business notes--like descriptions of jewelry or something like that.  Hopefully someone will notice you and approach you.  If not, enjoy your terrible hotel coffee and free muffin. 

4. Wear your Jewelry:  Be sure to wear your jewelry everywhere you go, and carry a few business cards in your back pocket.  When someone comments on your jewelry, tell them the price, watch their jaw drop, pass them a card, and smile. 

Travel Tax Tips
We should travel every weekend and deduct it as a business expense, right? Wrong.

Let me explain. For this little road trip, I am not going to consider the whole kit & caboodle as a business expense, even though I am going to advertise along the way.  

What can I deduct?
Hotel? Nope.
Food? Yep, but only for 1 meal for me (not my entire family).
Gas? Nope.
Mileage? Yes.

The reason I am not deducting my hotel and all my meals is because this voyage is only 5 hours round trip from my home.  It wouldn't be deemed necessary (if this was just for business advertising) for me to stay a night in a hotel.  In any other situation, I would drive the 2 hours, advertise around town for 1 hour, and simply drive home.  It would be considered normal for me to need to eat sometime during those 5 hours, so I am going to deduct one of my meals.  I just have to make sure I ask the waitress to separate my meal from my family's.  I can, however, deduct all of my miles (round trip).

What if I was vending or hosting a party away from home?
In that case, you are able to deduct more of your expenses.  Let's say you are vending for 2 days in a location other than your home.  Then, you can deduct a hotel's night stay and any meals consumed by yourself, as well as anyone assisting you in your booth.  Have a camper or trailer that you plan on staying in?  Be sure to deduct the camp rent, miles driven, and even a percentage of your camper or trailer payment.  If your payment is $100 and you used your personal camper for business uses for 2 nights for an event, then calculate 2/31 of your $100 towards your business expenses.  It might not be much, but it will surely help in the end.

Safe Travels!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

'Tis the Shopping Season

I am so excited for fall, and you should be too!  From now until Christmas, everyone everywhere is looking for affordable gifts for family & friends.  Make yourself available to all those shoppers!  Let them know what you have for sale, and how you can help them keep their holiday budgets, while still getting something for everyone on their list. 

Launch Party TIPS:
If you are new to Paparazzi and you haven't done so, host your own Launch Party at your home.  Not-so-new to Paparazzi?  Host a Launch Party for your new Fall Accessories!  Just because you have already had a "Launch," doesn't mean you can't "Re-Launch," right?  

1. Invite everyone you can think of.   And, when I saw everyone, I mean EVERYONE!  You will be surprised who will come and who won't.  Your closest friends and family might not show, but that lady you met at the soccer field just might come.  Personally pass out simple invitations, post your party on social media, and email every Jane & Doe you know.

2. Hunt for future hostesses and let everyone know that you are open to host a party at their house and they will FREE jewelry for doing so!  One of the great things about Paparazzi is that corporate doesn't dictate what your hostess incentives are...you do!  Typically, it is 10% of jewelry sales in free jewelry, 1 free piece for hosting, and 1 free piece for each friend who books a party.  But, you don't have to stick by this rule of thumb.  You could give more or less in freebies, or even a new car (just kidding).  Bring your calendar along to book parties right then & there!

3. Have a give-a-way and include on your invitations that if someone brings a friend, they get entered into the give-a-way!  Again, you choose what you want to give-a-way...maybe free jewelry, maybe a Starbucks gift card, maybe a new car (hahaha).

4. Have flyers on hand that detail your home party rewards.  And make sure everyone that comes leaves with a business card--or two--or three.  It never hurts to ask your customers to share your business card with another friend.  Ask them to add their name to your business card, and if one of their friends calls from their referral, throw them a bone...or a discount on their next purchase.

5.  Let your customers know about your next stop. Make sure your customers know where you plan to be next, and have a flyer or card ready to put in their bag with their goodies.

6.  Add a little treat for each customer.  These can be super affordable, clever and adorable.  "Be a Smartie--Host a Party" can be added to cardstock with a smarties candy.  Or, "You are Mint to Earn Free Jewelry--Ask me How" and tape on a peppermint candy!

7. Ask you customers to leave behind their email (on a paper and clipboard), to enter for yet another door prize.  Now, you can keep them informed and up-to-date concerning your newest inventory, or next event.  Also, be sure to send them a personal Thank You for attending the party, and be sure to share your replicated Paparazzi website with them (to allow them to shop online in the future).

Holy Festival

I am not referring to anything religious or holy here.  Not at all.  When I say "Holy Festival," I am referring to the ridiculous amounts of festivals and events that happen every year from now until Christmas.  Keep your eye & ear out for all of these events--and put in to vend whenever you can. It is only at festivals, fairs, and events that you will be able to expand your audience to those beyond your personal outer circles.  Just Remember: Paparazzi policies allow for only one consultant per event, so be sure to check with the Event Director before registering.

Sometimes, great sales opportunities are disguised in various ways...so don't be afraid to think outside the box.  The worst thing someone can tell you is, "no," but you will never "know" until they "no."  

Consider selling at any of these events/places:
-Fall car shows
-Fall festivals
-Halloween events (dances, parties, trunk-or-treats)
-Christmas stores at Schools
-Fall gun shows
-Flower shops & salons (ask to set up weekly)
-Hospital gift shops
-Christmas craft fairs
-Offer "Pink Friday" shopping in your own home
-Back to school nights
-School sports fundraisers--give a % of sales back to fundraising effort
-School sports venues
-Offer gift certificates during Holiday Season

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Online Ordering: How has this changed our taxes?

Change is inevitable
--except from a vending machine.  

Fall is fast approaching, which makes me remember that everything changes. And, Paparazzi is no exception.  Just like any company, Paparazzi has to make changes that they hope will best benefit their consultants and customers alike.

Personally, I like the addition of online ordering.  I feel like we can not only host many more parties online, but that we can also reach an audience much larger than friends, or friends of friends, or friends of friends of friends.  Catch my drift?  With online ordering, I might make an online sale from some lady, who loves affordable jewelry, somewhere in West Virginia whom I've never met.  I just might make a sale to a soon-to-be-Mrs. looking for some lime green bracelets for her wedding party.  The sky is the limit, if we just continue to put ourselves out there!!  To make Paparazzi work for us, we have to BE a salesman.  We have to THINK like a salesman and we have to ACT like a salesman.  So, we have to advertise our butts off--and so much of our advertising can be done through technology.

Think about it this way: If you want someone to come to your Garage Sale, you have to let them know you are having one (first), and sometimes you even have to let them know what you are selling...just to entice them to come.  We should be no different.  We have an awesome, affordable product.  Let's get the word out there!!

Change in Taxes

I just love how online ordering has changed my tax situation as a small-business owner.  Even though I already used my computer, internet, and phone for business, now I feel more compelled than ever to make it count towards my taxes.  The truth is...without technology we cannot promote our business, right?

Again, there is an entire list of business expenses that we can deduct, because we are now conducting our business online.  Yes, for some of us, we are simply using technology to advertise, but there is a huge potential for lots & lots & lots of online orders.  So, our tax deductions are going to change.

Internet Service
First & foremost: We all pay for internet service!  And, we all use our internet service to conduct our business.  But, here's a word of caution...chances are you are NOT primarily using your paid service ONLY for business.  My son plays games on PBS every once in a while, my husband shops online for dirt bike parts more often than he should, and I openly confess to watching far too much internet television.  However, I can estimate that I use our internet approximately 10% of the time.  Plus, we have 5 electronic devices that are sharing the internet plan.  Seems reasonable to deduct 10% of my internet service, without getting red flagged on my taxes.  To count this as a monthly deduction, you need to have receipts for your internet service for each month.

Cell Phone/Telephone Service
Did you list your cell phone number on your flyers or business cards?  Do you conduct business on your smart phone, via internet?  If so, your cell phone bill can be deducted from your taxes--IF AND ONLY IF you also have a land-line you use for personal reasons.  However, again, I would not suggest deducting the entire cell phone bill...because I know as well as you know that you are totally texting your sister while you are driving.  Truth is, your cell phone is being used PRIMARILY for personal reasons!!  I feel it is reasonable to deduct 25% of your cell phone bill for business!  Some people, however, get a second,new phone and number that they use solely for their business; in this case, the entire cell phone bill could be a business expense.   I wouldn't suggest deducting the miles driven, or the postage required for your phone or internet business, since a percentage of the bills are primarily for personal reasons.  However, again, if you have a second cellphone JUST for Paparazzi--then go for it--deduct the entire bill, miles driven to pick up the bill and drop off the bill at USPS, and postage to boot!

New Computer or Tablet
Do you need a new computer or tablet or printer?  You can actually count the entire cost of your new equipment, as long as it isn't replacing your old one.  Let me explain.  Your computer or tablet needs to be designated for your business, because there are far too many personal uses for these devices.  Does that mean you can't check the news, watch cat videos, or shop Old Navy on your computer?  No, it just means you have to have an additional device that is used primarily for personal use.  In my home, my husband has an older laptop he primarily uses, my son plays on our older tablet, and I just purchased a new computer for business.  Yes, sometimes I use my son's tablet to check my Paparazzi account...and yes, sometimes my son watches Netflix on my business computer because it is newer and much faster. And, sometimes I take my son's tablet to events with me, to enter my credit cards sales. This is totally allowable and the entire cost of my new computer is deductible, because I can verify that at least one of my devices is meant for business.  

Malware & Computer Repair & Strange Cords 
With computers, there are always additional expenses.  Have to buy Malware or Microsoft Office?  Does your computer need more memory, or RAM, or due for a repair?   These are write-offs, as long as they are being used on the same computer you are claiming for business.  And, as long as you have a receipt.  Do you need earplugs that you plan to use for Paparazzi webinars?  These count, even if you might use the same earplugs when you work-out.  Do you need a microphone or webcam to make online Paparazzi webinars for your team?  I do!  I am going to buy them and use them as a write-off...and sometimes we will use them to Skype with Grandma, too.   And, don't forget all the strange cords & devices that computers require.  We have an entire box in the garage, and I'm sure they were required for one of our devices somewhere along the way.  Just remember to keep your receipts.  And, don't forget to log the miles driven to purchase your new equipment.

Tax Advice--Disclaimer
With any business, I would recommend meeting with a CPA or tax adviser before submitting any official tax information to the IRS.  I am not a certified CPA, or tax adviser, or pool lifeguard for that matter.  I just like math...does that count?  I am simply sharing my knowledge with all of you, and encouraging all of you to maintain honest records.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pay Day

It is almost Pay Day!

With the end of the month fast approaching, this means your commissions will soon be calculated.

Receiving your Commission: When you enrolled you choose to be mailed a check, or to receive direct deposit into your checking account.  If you need to change your payment choice, contact Consultant Support.  Our commission will be posted in our Back Office by the 10th of every month, and our paydays are processed shortly after.

Earning your Commission: You will receive 45% retail profit for all your online sales.  Plus, once you start building your own team, you will also receive a percentage of their sales & purchases.  It takes just having one person join under you to earn 5% of their sales.  And, once you have a minimum of 3 people enrolled, you become a Director; this means you earn 10% of the sales for those directly under you, as well as 5% of the next line.  This can really add up!!  You also receive 15% commission when a new consultant enrolls and purchases a Starter Kit.  So, start thinking about who would be a great addition to Team Fashion4Five!!

Checking your Commission: You can check your commission in your Back Office. If you have no team members under you (yet), you will only be able to earn commission off your online sales and online parties (booked right on Paparazzi's website).

$20 Minimum: Paparazzi chooses to pay-out your commissions once they total a minimum of $20.  This doesn't mean you lose any earned commission from a month in which you don't earn at least $20, it is just banked until your payout totals $20.  You can view your Commissions in your Back Office--once your payout totals at least $20, you will see a green dollar sign next to the amount(s) that are being paid out for that month.

Keeping Active: Once you have consultants enrolled under you, you do have to keep an "active" status with Paparazzi, in order to receive your Downline commission.  This means, your total Personal Volume (or PV) for the month must total 50.  Each accessory holds a volume of 2, so 50 PV equals 25 accessories.  The Starlet Shimmer line for little girls doesn't count towards your PV.  You can achieve this PV simply with your orders for your own inventory, and even for the online orders made by your customers.  Your PV requirement must be met on the last day of each month.

Something NEW we learned this week: If you choose to receive your commission through Direct Deposit, you don't have to pay a $2.50 processing fee to receive a physical check.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Milkin' It: Tip of the Week

When it comes to taxes, every little bit will help in the end.  The secret is to focus on your business, think about your business, and make all things "about" your business.  

Milkin' It 
Tip of the Week:

First and foremost, I am a mother.  Next, I am a wife. And then there are plenty of additional roles that are just a part of the previously listed two -- I'm a nurse, maid, personal chef, Lego-builder, spider-killer, professional toilet scrubber, butt-wiper, booger-getter. 

Somewhere in the midst of all these "other" jobs, I am also an Independent Consultant for Paparazzi Accessories.  It can be tough, some days, to even think about my business.  But, if I just take a second when I am drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning, I can create a way to make some part of my day "about" my business--even when it feels like every single minute of that day is dedicated to one of my many other jobs.

This week, I took my son swimming.  I remember the days when all you needed for a relaxing morning at the pool was a cold drink and a good book. Kids change that. Completely.  Now, it takes all morning for me to prepare for a not-so-relaxing time at the pool.  Instead of relaxing, drinking and reading at the pool, my new goal is to maintain constant supervision of my splashing, smiling son.

While loading the overflowing swim bag into the car, I quickly grabbed one of my business flyers.  While checking-in at the pool, I asked the receptionist permission to hang my flyer on their advertisement board.  I took note of the date, as well as the name of the rec-center employee who gave me permission. 

And, there you have it.  A small part of my day became "about" my business.  This trip was mostly about swimming.  It was mostly about that very important first role of mine--raising a little person.  But, I found a way to also make this day about my business. 

How did this help me?

First of all, our swimming pool is actually a hotsprings that hundreds of tourists frequent weekly. Someone is bound to see it, right??  And nobody would argue the "potential" business from hanging my flyer in such a busy-little place.

Second, we live 30 miles away.  So, on this particular day, I drove 60 miles for my business.  

As long as I record it in my records--to include the date, reason, and the miles driven--I am covered.  Again, I will caution you to not go overboard.  If you take your child to swim lessons 2 times a week, I would not count every single trip to the pool, just to hang a simple flyer, as a business expense.  That's a huge red flag come tax time.  But, on the other hand, if you are carting jewelry around in the back of your car, and selling the heck out of it to the Moms at swim lessons, then by all means those trips are business expenses.  Just make sure that somewhere on your sales receipts, you show record that your swim lesson sales were made right there at the pool.