With the end of the month fast approaching, this means your commissions will soon be calculated.
Receiving your Commission: When you enrolled you choose to be mailed a check, or to receive direct deposit into your checking account. If you need to change your payment choice, contact Consultant Support. Our commission will be posted in our Back Office by the 10th of every month, and our paydays are processed shortly after.
Earning your Commission: You will receive 45% retail profit for all your online sales. Plus, once you start building your own team, you will also receive a percentage of their sales & purchases. It takes just having one person join under you to earn 5% of their sales. And, once you have a minimum of 3 people enrolled, you become a Director; this means you earn 10% of the sales for those directly under you, as well as 5% of the next line. This can really add up!! You also receive 15% commission when a new consultant enrolls and purchases a Starter Kit. So, start thinking about who would be a great addition to Team Fashion4Five!!
Checking your Commission: You can check your commission in your Back Office. If you have no team members under you (yet), you will only be able to earn commission off your online sales and online parties (booked right on Paparazzi's website).
$20 Minimum: Paparazzi chooses to pay-out your commissions once they total a minimum of $20. This doesn't mean you lose any earned commission from a month in which you don't earn at least $20, it is just banked until your payout totals $20. You can view your Commissions in your Back Office--once your payout totals at least $20, you will see a green dollar sign next to the amount(s) that are being paid out for that month.
Keeping Active: Once you have consultants enrolled under you, you do have to keep an "active" status with Paparazzi, in order to receive your Downline commission. This means, your total Personal Volume (or PV) for the month must total 50. Each accessory holds a volume of 2, so 50 PV equals 25 accessories. The Starlet Shimmer line for little girls doesn't count towards your PV. You can achieve this PV simply with your orders for your own inventory, and even for the online orders made by your customers. Your PV requirement must be met on the last day of each month.
Something NEW we learned this week: If you choose to receive your commission through Direct Deposit, you don't have to pay a $2.50 processing fee to receive a physical check.
Did you say $5? YEP!

Sunday, August 31, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Milkin' It: Tip of the Week
When it comes to taxes, every little bit will help in the end. The secret is to focus on your business, think about your business, and make all things "about" your business.
Milkin' It
Tip of the Week:
First and foremost, I am a mother. Next, I am a wife. And then there are plenty of additional roles that are just a part of the previously listed two -- I'm a nurse, maid, personal chef, Lego-builder, spider-killer, professional toilet scrubber, butt-wiper, booger-getter.
Somewhere in the midst of all these "other" jobs, I am also an Independent Consultant for Paparazzi Accessories. It can be tough, some days, to even think about my business. But, if I just take a second when I am drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning, I can create a way to make some part of my day "about" my business--even when it feels like every single minute of that day is dedicated to one of my many other jobs.
This week, I took my son swimming. I remember the days when all you needed for a relaxing morning at the pool was a cold drink and a good book. Kids change that. Completely. Now, it takes all morning for me to prepare for a not-so-relaxing time at the pool. Instead of relaxing, drinking and reading at the pool, my new goal is to maintain constant supervision of my splashing, smiling son.
While loading the overflowing swim bag into the car, I quickly grabbed one of my business flyers. While checking-in at the pool, I asked the receptionist permission to hang my flyer on their advertisement board. I took note of the date, as well as the name of the rec-center employee who gave me permission.
And, there you have it. A small part of my day became "about" my business. This trip was mostly about swimming. It was mostly about that very important first role of mine--raising a little person. But, I found a way to also make this day about my business.
How did this help me?
First of all, our swimming pool is actually a hotsprings that hundreds of tourists frequent weekly. Someone is bound to see it, right?? And nobody would argue the "potential" business from hanging my flyer in such a busy-little place.
Second, we live 30 miles away. So, on this particular day, I drove 60 miles for my business.
As long as I record it in my records--to include the date, reason, and the miles driven--I am covered. Again, I will caution you to not go overboard. If you take your child to swim lessons 2 times a week, I would not count every single trip to the pool, just to hang a simple flyer, as a business expense. That's a huge red flag come tax time. But, on the other hand, if you are carting jewelry around in the back of your car, and selling the heck out of it to the Moms at swim lessons, then by all means those trips are business expenses. Just make sure that somewhere on your sales receipts, you show record that your swim lesson sales were made right there at the pool.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tax TUESDAY...or Wednesday...or Whatever!
I should know better than to put myself in a box. I should know better than to promise my blog stalkers that I am going to write about taxes...on Tuesday. Because, Tuesday came and Tuesday went. I can't exactly recall what happened on such a chaotic Tuesday that I couldn't squeeze in 20 minutes to write. But, that's what I love about Paparazzi! I am my own boss. I make my own hours, and if something more important (or just fun) pops up, I take an extra-long lunch break. Or, I come into work super late. Or, I wear my pajamas to work. Or, I just call in sick. And nobody cares. Except maybe for you...my blog stalker...who was hoping & wishing & waiting all day Tuesday. Or, since you too are a Paparazzi Consultant, you took the day off as well! Good for you!!
The Dreaded IRS
My father has owned his own business--of some sort or another--for over 20 years. Whether it be a little bit of this on the side to make extra money, or a little bit of that to pay for Christmas. I think over his lifetime he has owned 10 different businesses. And he has never once been audited by the IRS until just this last year. Why? Because of his beloved stamp collection. He had a personal loss of over $50,000 in stamps, and they discovered a leak in the roof. He was never once audited for his businesses, because he was honest. He kept honest records and he never went hog-wild with his expenses. Sadly, our family never went on lavish vacations to Hawaii for "business."
That's the secret. Be honest. Keep good records, and don't get too crazy!!
There are tons of business expenses that you probably haven't even considered. Expenses that just a part of what you do--but that help you promote your business. Start thinking more about this...and I will start to share some of my tips & ideas too!
End of Month Records
Basically, your end of month sheets will have 4 columns. DATE/REASON, Expenses, Mileage, Income and NOTES. For all your home parties, if you have them organized by my envelope system (see last week), then the rest is going to be super easy for you. Make double-triple sure that if you have an expense, you have a receipt!! Otherwise, you are basically lying to Uncle Sam...or at least that is how "he" will perceive it. I know if you are viewing this on your mobile device, my columns may look goofy & off, but I know they align correctly on your laptop or computer.
Here's an example of my August Tax Records:
DATE/REASON Expenses Mileage Income NOTES
August 15th/Sara Home Party $63.12 109 mi $244.50
August 23rd/USPS 12 mi pick up Papa order
August 24th/Walmart $12.52 34 mi stationary/office supplies
August 27th/Paparazzi $56.89
August 28th/Soccer Field 12 mi pass out business cards
See? Pretty simple, right? At the end of the month, just tally up your totals for each column. And come tax time, you will be rocking it!
UP & COMING for Tuesday TAXDAY;
*Milking It--Just a Little Bit!
*Online--How has this changed our tax deductions?
*Home Office--If you have the space, make it count!!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Get This Party Started: ONLINE
What an exciting time for Paparazzi!
Finally, our customers can shop online, and our hostesses can host an online party.
I love this option because if you are hosting a home party, you can also create an online party for your home hostess--and add their link to your invitations--so her friends who can't attend the home party, or who live miles away, can still shop!
I love this option because if you are hosting an event, bring along your laptop and have it available for girls to shop your online store.
I mostly love this option because if we continue to promote our website, we will continue to gain new customers, and bigger commissions.
Need Some Help?
Let me tell you how amazing it is to be part of the Paparazzi team! Whenever you need something, another Consultant will always fill your need. Have a question? Someone has the answer. Need an idea for a flyer? Someone will make one for you. My favorite resources can be found on Facebook--either "Frank Divas Group" or "Let's Get Creative For Our $5 Habit." These groups have tons of ideas, and whenever I have personally posted a question, I find 10 people willing to help me answer it. Check them out, and if you are currently a Consultant, ask them to add you to their groups!
Online Party Tutorials
You will also want to catch Paparazzi's webinar from August 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-xPKEWrZo0&list=UUChopbTxaqRrfgs_KX7DB_Q
Wanted: Online Hostess
Now, how do you find people who want to HOST an online party?My advice? Start by hosting one yourself, especially if you are a new consultant. To do this, you have to create yourself as a customer (or use your husband), and you will get a customer number and have to make a password for yourself. But, you can name you party anything you'd like--get creative. Invite friends through social media, email, text, phone calls, or even hand-out invitations personally. Don't forget to invite all your past customers, too. Make sure when you head out to hand-out your invitations, wear your jewelry. If you happen to leave the house wearing something besides Paparazzi--gasp--use my good friend's line, "Yes, this is Paparazzi. Yes, it just cost $5. Sorry, this piece is no longer available. But, our new website probably has something similar." W.A.I.T! Are you telling me she fibbed? And you are asking me to do the same? Yeppers--to both those questions. Are you uncomfortable telling a little white lie? Have you ever told your kids that there is such-a-thing as a tooth fairy? And has that same "tooth fairy" paid money to your poor, unknowing, innocent children? All while they slept soundly in their beds? Case-closed. Get over it, already.
After hosting your own party, or while hosting your own party, start with the most obvious options for online parties.
2. Friends--Again, if you are lucky enough to have the kind of friends I have, we all owe each other for at least one favor. Remember that time when I bought those awful cookies for your daughter's field trip to the zoo? Host a party and I won't serve them to you at our next Bunco game, okay?? Remember that time I told that crazy joke and you went wee-wee in your undies? Host a party and I promise not to tell anyone (I mean...anyone else).
3. Past Hostesses--Make a personal phone call to each of your past hostesses. Chances are, they love your jewelry, they loved hosting a party at their house, but they not-so-love all the cleaning it takes to get their homes ready for a party.
4. Past Customers--Maybe you have a customer who keeps coming back for more? But, has never shown interest in hosting a home party. Call her and let her know she can host one from the all-amazing internet!! She has her reasons as to why she didn't want to host a home party, but maybe an online party is more in her comfort zone.
Training & Supporting your Hostess
It's a great idea to send out an email to your hostess and let them know what to expect--plus you will need to share their log-in id number and their password (that you have created for them). Your email should include: logging-in to their party, inviting friends to their party & earning freebies. If you'd like a copy, just leave your email address in the comment box--unless you are part of my downline, and I will automatically send you this.
After getting the party started, be sure to support your hostess. Check in with them periodically. Remind them of their freebies. Ask them what you can do to help them. Watch their party sales closely, and act accordingly. If their party is stagnant, don't be afraid to call them out on that. "Hey, I see you don't have any sales yet, can I send you a flyer through email to pass out at work?" Maybe their party is totally rocking it, acknowledge that. Or offer to hold their party for 2 more days. Or give 2 more freebies from your inventory.
Now, here's the trick! For people in groups #1 and #2, they are probably not as excited to host a party as people in group #3 and #4. So, sweeten the pot for them, and make it as easy as possible. While they earn 10% from Paparazzi, add another incentive from your own inventory. You know these people better than anyone, so use this to your advantage. They love Starbucks? Offer them a Starbucks card to total 10% of their sales. Use the new FASHION FIX to your advantage. If you have signed up for the FASHION FIX, you receive exclusive Paparazzi Accessories before they are available to anyone else. The FASHION FIX also groups accessories together, known as Trend Blends, which takes the guess-work out of what-goes-with-what for your customers. Offer-up your FASHION FIX for your online hostesses. Sell 5 items online--earn the Trend Blend necklace. Sell 10 items online--earn the Trend Blend necklace & ring. And...so forth. Also, help them pass out invitations; you may have to promote their parties ten times more than they do.
Okay...no bears here, but if you don't pay attention to these things, you will either be running up a tree, or "playing dead" to save your life...I mean party.1. When you are signing up a hostess and you are in your Back Office, DO NOT click on Close Party. This will totally close the party. They have created a fail-safe, which will ask you to verify Close Party. DO NOT verify, unless you are ready to close that party.
2. Inform your hostess that their party will close when they shop. So, they will need to wait until the very end of their party to make their choices via Paparazzi's site. If they shop early, the party closes early. Poo.
3. Paparazzi is also allowing potential consultants to use their 10% towards their own starter kits, but you must call Consultant Support to set this up.
Host ONE Online Party--even if it is your own!
Even if you just get a few sales, you will gain the knowledge and experience of your new Back Office. Next Monday, I will share some new ideas for promoting online parties (to those other than your family, friends, or past hostesses)...so stay tuned!!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Time to take a short break...
Because it's the weekend.
Because, I have spent far too much time promoting my new replicated website: www.paparazziaccessories.com/22788. My fingers are automatically typing the address...even in my sleep!
Because, it is time to weed the garden, and make lunch, and attack the laundry bomb that has recently exploded in my living room.
Because, even though I am a Paparazzi Consultant, I am first and foremost a Mom. My son is overdue for some ninja training and Lego building with me.
If you haven't no big deal--there's still time. Maybe consider reading my Motivational Monday blog from earlier this week to get you refocused.
If you have...keep up the great work, and keep brainstorming ways to get that web address out there for the world to see!!! I would love to hear your ideas too. Don't be afraid to comment!
End of Month Records
Taxes: Milkin' It
Because it's the weekend.
Because, I have spent far too much time promoting my new replicated website: www.paparazziaccessories.com/22788. My fingers are automatically typing the address...even in my sleep!
Because, it is time to weed the garden, and make lunch, and attack the laundry bomb that has recently exploded in my living room.
Because, even though I am a Paparazzi Consultant, I am first and foremost a Mom. My son is overdue for some ninja training and Lego building with me.
I hope you have spent a little time getting your website out there for the world to see.
If you haven't no big deal--there's still time. Maybe consider reading my Motivational Monday blog from earlier this week to get you refocused.
If you have...keep up the great work, and keep brainstorming ways to get that web address out there for the world to see!!! I would love to hear your ideas too. Don't be afraid to comment!
Stay Tuned.
Promoting Online PartiesEnd of Month Records
Taxes: Milkin' It
Friday, August 22, 2014
Everyone has a "why" when it comes to Paparazzi. Why do you sell Paparazzi Accessories? Why are you an Independent Consultant? I suggest that each Consultant add their "why" as their story on their replicated website. You should do this not only for your customers to get to know the real you a little better, but to also remind yourself of your reason for joining Paparazzi. My "why" motivates me, and helps me push forward.
How to add your Story:
1. Log into your Paparazzi Back Office.
2. Click on My Profile.
3. Click on Edit Profile.
4. Find the empty text box titled "Replicated Site Text."
5. Think long & hard about your "why" and type away. Be aware that the text box will only allow for 1000 words or less.
6. Click save at the bottom.
Here is "My Why." A true story about a home jewelry party that makes my heart hurt, but also changed my life for the better.
One jewelry party changed my life, changed my attitude and changed my heart. We have all been invited to our fair share of parties...candles, jewelry, kitchen utensils, even romance parties. And we know that when a friend invites us, there will be a hu-mun-go catalog of over-priced "things" that we neither need or want. But we hesitantly go, and spend away our hard-earned cash. Let me tell you about the home jewelry party that changed my life. As soon as I walked in the door, I couldn't help but notice the young mom with the new born baby still hung from her hips. She oohed-and-aahed at the beautiful jewelry, but when the catalogs were flipped open, her demeanor changed. Nothing in the catalog was under $20, and some pieces were priced upwards of $100. For costume jewelry, seriously? When it came to place our orders, she left the party empty-handed. And even though she continued to smile and chit-chat with the girls at the party, I could feel her struggles through her smile. Because I have been there. We have all been there. I don't have to explain to anyone why she left the party empty-handed...we have all felt her struggles at one time or another. I left that party with a heightened sense of empathy for this young mom. I knew there had to be a better alternative, not only for her but for all of us. This home party, little did I know, would change my entire life. Shortly after, I was introduced to Paparazzi for the first time. A colleague of mine wore a sparkling necklace to work and I automatically assumed it was from the expensive jewelry party just a few weeks before. That's when she told me, "No, this was just 5 bucks." I was hoooked! Without ever seeing the rest of the jewelry, I booked my first party. By the end of my own party, I was ready to sign up. Guess who inspired me to do so? Yep. The young mom, who I even invited to my party, and who left the party with a few accessories to call her own. I sell Paparazzi, not only for that young mom, but because I believe we all deserve a better alternative. I like Paparazzi because it can make women feel like a million bucks, but only spend 5. I love Paparazzi because I know it can change lives!
How to add your Story:
1. Log into your Paparazzi Back Office.
2. Click on My Profile.
3. Click on Edit Profile.
4. Find the empty text box titled "Replicated Site Text."
5. Think long & hard about your "why" and type away. Be aware that the text box will only allow for 1000 words or less.
6. Click save at the bottom.
Here is "My Why." A true story about a home jewelry party that makes my heart hurt, but also changed my life for the better.
One jewelry party changed my life, changed my attitude and changed my heart. We have all been invited to our fair share of parties...candles, jewelry, kitchen utensils, even romance parties. And we know that when a friend invites us, there will be a hu-mun-go catalog of over-priced "things" that we neither need or want. But we hesitantly go, and spend away our hard-earned cash. Let me tell you about the home jewelry party that changed my life. As soon as I walked in the door, I couldn't help but notice the young mom with the new born baby still hung from her hips. She oohed-and-aahed at the beautiful jewelry, but when the catalogs were flipped open, her demeanor changed. Nothing in the catalog was under $20, and some pieces were priced upwards of $100. For costume jewelry, seriously? When it came to place our orders, she left the party empty-handed. And even though she continued to smile and chit-chat with the girls at the party, I could feel her struggles through her smile. Because I have been there. We have all been there. I don't have to explain to anyone why she left the party empty-handed...we have all felt her struggles at one time or another. I left that party with a heightened sense of empathy for this young mom. I knew there had to be a better alternative, not only for her but for all of us. This home party, little did I know, would change my entire life. Shortly after, I was introduced to Paparazzi for the first time. A colleague of mine wore a sparkling necklace to work and I automatically assumed it was from the expensive jewelry party just a few weeks before. That's when she told me, "No, this was just 5 bucks." I was hoooked! Without ever seeing the rest of the jewelry, I booked my first party. By the end of my own party, I was ready to sign up. Guess who inspired me to do so? Yep. The young mom, who I even invited to my party, and who left the party with a few accessories to call her own. I sell Paparazzi, not only for that young mom, but because I believe we all deserve a better alternative. I like Paparazzi because it can make women feel like a million bucks, but only spend 5. I love Paparazzi because I know it can change lives!
I don't know why, but until just this week I was almost fearful of sharing my Paparazzi $5 Habit with anyone. Maybe it was because I knew if they didn't want to come to a home party, or I didn't want to attend an event, that they would NEVER, ever buy my jewelry. Maybe it was because I recently moved a gazillion miles away from all my family & friends--who were my biggest support of my Paparazzi journey.
The new online ordering...has changed everything for me! And, change is good! Everywhere I look, I see a potential customer.
I consider myself an out-going person, but was never really out-going about my jewelry. This week, my attitude has changed. I am reaching out to strangers, friends and passers-by. Each person that crosses my path is being exposed to my $5 habit!
I'm hoping the new online ordering has changed your attitude. And your motivation. It sure has changed me.
Share, share, share Paparazzi with everyone you pass. Because for the first time, everyone is a potential customer. Don't you just love technology??
The new online ordering...has changed everything for me! And, change is good! Everywhere I look, I see a potential customer.
I consider myself an out-going person, but was never really out-going about my jewelry. This week, my attitude has changed. I am reaching out to strangers, friends and passers-by. Each person that crosses my path is being exposed to my $5 habit!
I'm hoping the new online ordering has changed your attitude. And your motivation. It sure has changed me.
Share, share, share Paparazzi with everyone you pass. Because for the first time, everyone is a potential customer. Don't you just love technology??
Paparazzi Webinar
Just in case you missed it, here's the link to the Online Ordering Webinar from August 20th:
This is a must-watch for all Consultants and potential Consultants, alike. For the first-time EVER, our customers will be able to order Paparazzi Accessories online 24/7. This means our customers will be able to order the exact piece, style & color they are looking for. I am beyond excited.
I know there will be some changes that we will all have to adjust to, but we will get through this together!
This is a must-watch for all Consultants and potential Consultants, alike. For the first-time EVER, our customers will be able to order Paparazzi Accessories online 24/7. This means our customers will be able to order the exact piece, style & color they are looking for. I am beyond excited.
I know there will be some changes that we will all have to adjust to, but we will get through this together!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Recorded Call
If you didn't catch the live call from Frank Divas Group, catch it at 1-805-399-1099. Punch in access code: 686536. The call is approximately 30 minutes in length.
The call talked about sharing your Paparazzi story with others, and encouraging others to join your team. Yes, joining Paparazzi can help you add to your family's finances, but Paparazzi has the power to change your life! The call featured my personal sponsor, Liesel Webb, and it talked about her struggles starting out in Paparazzi, and how after a few years not only has the company helped her family financially, but has changed her life completely! Great job, Liesel!
How has Paparazzi changed your life? What is your Paparazzi story? Begin sharing with everyone you meet!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
TAX Tuesday: Home Party Expenses
There are so many benefits of being an Independent Consultant for Paparazzi Accessories:
-we get to party everyday, while at work-we can create our own schedule & work from home
-we always look amazing because we can shop our own accessories 24/7
-we make additional income on a weekly-basis
-we meet new people, inspire others, and help women feel confident without breaking the bank
All of these are awesome benefits, but my favorite BENEFIT comes once a year...on TAX DAY! Because Independent Consultants are considered Independent Business Owners, we qualify for the many deductions set aside by the IRS.
Unfortunately, like everything else involving the IRS, we MUST keep honest, organized records in order to take this awesome tax break once a year!
WAIT-A-MINUTE! If we are making money, shouldn't we have to pay taxes on our income? Well, yes! But, if you maintain your records accordingly, you will see that being a small business owner actually costs you money, even if you are earning it along the way. Hopefully after today's blog, you will have a better understanding of how this all works.
There are a gazillion business expenses that you probably haven't even considered because they are such a normal part of your normal day. Of course, we all know of the expense of purchasing our jewelry from Paparazzi, and of our income from parties we hold or events we vend for. Continue to keep these receipts--both from sales, and also from your Paparazzi orders.
For just home parties, there are some expenses that you probably haven't even considered.
Here's a list to get you thinking about business expenses in a whole new light:
Did you have to drive to the party? Record the mileage driven to and from the party.
Did you have to go to the bank for change beforehand or afterwards to deposit checks? Record the mileage driven to and from the bank, as well as any bank fees charged to you for withdrawals.
Did you drop of invitations to the hostess? Yep, these miles count too!
Did you put together a door prize or goody bags? Not only does the expense of whatever you put in your door prizes count, but also the mileage driven to and from the store to purchase them. To count your money spent at the store, you MUST keep the store receipt.
Did you have to drive to the post office to pick up your Paparazzi order before the party? Miles, are miles, are miles. And, if you are driving them, they totally count!
Did you provide simple refreshments like chocolate or water bottles? Again, what a great deduction you may have not considered, not only for the expense, but also for the mileage driven. Plus, most parties in which I provide a small refreshment, I end up taking the rest home for my family to enjoy. When I host a party in my home, I provide finger sandwiches and chips, and feed it to my family as well. Dinner-is-served, and my business has provided it! Don't go overboard with steak and lobster for 100 people, just be conservative and you won't be red-flagged come tax time.
Now...just looking at the mileage your drove for one home party, you should have quite an accumulation of miles driven. And, the IRS pays over $.50 per mile. Does that mean you are going to get back $0.50 per mile? No, not at all. Taxes are based on your income, and adjusted according to some magical formula. But, this does add up!
How can you track this and stay organized?
Try my envelope system!
I make an envelope dedicated to each Home Party. I put in all receipts related to the party inside, as well as the receipts from the parties' sales. On the front, I document all my miles driven (to include the date the miles were driven, where I drove to & from, and the reason for the miles--documented as RT to stand for Round Trip). Also, on the front, I include a total for the expenses, and the total for sales. And, I tally up the number of miles driven. I NEVER, ever, EVER add expenses that I can't verify with a receipt of some kind.
So, my envelope front will look something like this:
SARAH's PARTY on 8/14/14
Expenses: $45.12
Sales: $232.50 receipts # 1234-1257
Mileage: 91 miles total RT
8/12/14 USPS to home--12 miles RT--pick up order
8/13/14 Sarah's to home--11 miles RT--invite drop off
8/13/14 Safeway to home--14 miles RT--drop off flyer for party
8/13/13 Wells Fargo to home--10 miles RT--change
8/14/14 Walmart to home--23 miles RT--purchase door prizes
8/14/14 Sarah's to home--11 miles RT--party date
8//14/14 Wells Fargo to home--10 miles RT--deposit checks from party
WOW! See how quickly that can ADD UP..for just ONE HOME PARTY? See, Sarah just lives 5 miles from your home, and the little bit of running around you do for her party seems so normal to your everyday. But...before you know it, you have driven ALMOST 100 miles for 1 party. At 50 cents per mile, that is another $50 in expenses you probably haven't even considered. When it comes time to report this to your tax advisor, or your tax program if you do your own taxes, you will simply provide the total number of miles driven for your business. No real calculating needed on your part, just a little bit of adding it all together on December 31st.
Now, the big trick is to find a way to incorporate these miles into miles you already have to drive.
Finally, your "Mom's Taxi Business" can make some money. If you are going to the USPS to pick up your order, get your mail that day too. If you are going to Walmart for "business" supplies, might as well grocery shop too. Get the best bang for your buck, when it comes to mileage.
This week, start organizing your Party Envelopes for your last few parties. This is a GREAT WAY to just get started. In your organizing, if you find receipts that you aren't sure which party they belong to, just set them aside, and we will get to those later. You will have orders from Paparazzi that don't technically belong to any particular party, or supplies for your display, and even business expenses like stationary/calendars/computer ink that belong somewhere, just not with any individual home party. Hang on to these...we will cover ALL of this...one bite at a time.Next week on TAX Tuesday, I will show you how to make your records for the entire month. I will also explain how to milk it...just a little bit...while still remaining honest about your business expenses. By the time TAX day is here next April, our records will be in tip-top shape and ready for our refunds to come our way! WOOHOO! Cha-ching!
Disclaimer: I am in NO way a CPA, or certified tax advisor, or accountant. I do, however, like math. Does that count? I am an Independent Consultant, just like all of you. I believe in being honest about our business expenses, by keeping exceptional records. I am simply sharing my knowledge and research with all of you. I do advise that you seek tax advice from a certified and trained individual, as any business owner should.Monday, August 18, 2014
Motivational Monday: Start TODAY
It is going to be a GREAT week for Paparazzi! With the all-NEW-Paparazzi making its debut this Saturday, as Independent Consultants, we have to start working TODAY to ensure sales in the future.
People love to shop online. It is easy, it is convenient, and there is no pressure on their part to buy. And, starting Saturday, our customers will be able to shop Paparazzi online 24/7.
I don't know about you, but I am very excited about this...
And, I am very nervous about this....
If customers don't know where to go to shop, they won't shop at all.
So, this week will be dedicated to getting your replicated web address out for all the world to see.
Here are some TIPS to help you do just that:
Chances are, your business cards don't have your Paparazzi website address...nor do your cards state that customers can shop online. So, simply add this information. Whether it be to the back of the card, hand-written, or type the information on a small sticker and slap those puppies on! If you can, visit Vistaprints.com and order new cards asap!
Check your current customer list. E-mail all your customers and text message everyone you know. Hit-up every contact you already have, by whatever means you can! SHOUT it from the rooftops--"Order ONLINE!"
Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Use social-media to your advantage here. Search online sales forums in your area, and make a post. At least once a week, revisit your posts and add a comment with a cute picture of a "new" accessory...this moves your post back to the top of the feed (but doesn't seem to over-bearing, either).
Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Use social-media to your advantage here. Search online sales forums in your area, and make a post. At least once a week, revisit your posts and add a comment with a cute picture of a "new" accessory...this moves your post back to the top of the feed (but doesn't seem to over-bearing, either).
Create a small flyer or poster (and include the small strips that can be ripped off easily, that include your website) and find 10 places around your neighborhood or hometown that you can leave your mark. Bring along a few push-pins and a roll of tape and head downtown--leave your mark at laundromats, restaurants, gas stations, beauty salons, college/schools, rec centers. You can do this all in one big haul, or simply keep a few copies in your car for places you already frequent. TAX TIP TIME: Record your dates & miles driven, as these are considered an "expense" for your business, even if your miles are to your child's Elementary school (as long as you drop off a flyer). To get the best bang for your buck, and to save time, just drop off the flyers at places you already plan to go.
Use your contact list to send out THANK YOU cards. Thank your customers for supporting your business, throw in a new business card, and mention that you now will feature ONLINE shopping for their convenience. Send out 10 cards, which will cost you just under the cost of selling one $5 piece. TAX TIP TIME: Purchase a set of 18 or more stamps, and let your "business" pay for them. Just record the date, miles drive to/from the post office, and get a receipt from you USPS employee. Cha-Ching!
Still trying to catch my breath. The thought of this TIP makes me cringe. Cry. Moan & scream, because I don't want to give away my jewelry, I want to sell my jewelry. But, I am going to give it a try! First, think of 5 people you can randomly thank for something they have done for you, or your children or husband. Give them a Thank-You gift to include a few of your Paparazzi pieces, and a thank-you card. On each tag, glue on a small slip of paper that lists your website for ordering. Throw them in a cute frilly bag with some tissue paper, and V-I-O-L-A. You may have a potential customer on your hands. Again, record those miles driven for "Advertising Expenses."
Need help coming up with 5 deserving people? With summer coming to an end, there's a whole group of people who do their work with little thanks: soccer or baseball coaches, ballet teachers, dentists and doctors office, lifeguards at the local pool, parks & rec summer program helpers, librarians who sponsor summer-reading programs,or even event directors with whom you vended for this summer. And with fall approaching fast, there's an even bigger group: tons & tons & tons of school employees. I know it is typical to give your child's homeroom teacher a Back-to-School gift, but there's a whole handful of adults who work at the school and receive very little recognition for what they do (and rarely gifts for that matter): school librarians, nurses, teacher-aides, secretaries, custodians, "lunch ladies," and principals. Be the first to introduce them to Paparazzi!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Will You Marry Me??
Are you a bride-to-be looking for affordable accessories for your bridal party? Visit www.paparazziaccessories.com/22788. We have hundreds of accessories, in every style & color, for JUST $5!!
Starting August 23rd, your customers will be able to order exactly what they want, in any quantity their heart desires. This will make for some very happy brides. With accessories costing just $5 each, brides will be able to accessorize their entire bridal party in the colors to match their wedding!
Here are some tips to help you sell to those beautiful brides and bridesmaids:
TIP #1: Use facebook to find those brides! With social media, we can now keep our eyes peeled for those "change of status" posts. As soon as someone posts a picture of their amazing new engagement ring, or of their soon-to-be husband proposing, GET ON IT! Send a PM to the soon-to-be bride and let her know you have $5 accessories for sale...hundreds to choose from...in every color & style. She can even HOST an online party, where she asks her bridesmaids to purchase their own, while she earns her accessories for free.
TIP #2: Search your area for a nearby Bridal Expo--set up your inventory, and make sure to have a computer or tablet available for brides to order online right then & there!! Just remember that Paparazzi policies allow for ONLY ONE Consultant per event, so check with the event director first.
TIP #3: Visit your local floral shop, and ask to leave business cards & sample jewelry attached to a neckline display. Maybe the florist might want to sign up under you and become their own consultant. You'll never know if you don't ask!
TIP #4: Visit your local bridal or party supply shop. Visit any local wedding planning companies, bridal gown shops, and even event venues. Leave your mark here too!
TIP #5: Using all your online contacts (facebook, twitter, email), ask if there is anyone they know who is getting married. Sometimes it takes just one question to get a lead. Follow that lead...all the way to the alter.
If YOU have any other ideas, photos or posters to share, please leave a comment.
The All-New Paparazzi: August 23rd
Our motto for the month of August is.....
Drum Roll Please.....
Think BIG...the sky is the limit with Paparazzi. Whatever you put in, you will get out!
Start SMALL...this month, the blog will feature small, but totally do-able weekly goals to help you become a super-successful Consultant.
Begin NOW...start spreading the word about the All-NEW-Paparazzi! Share with your current customers, and let's get this party started!
There is not a better time to join Team Fashion4Five!
There are so many amazing changes, starting August 23rd, coming to Paparazzi Accessories that will only help the Independent Consultants be more successful than ever:
* New Consultants can sign-up for just $99! For $99, consultants will receive 35 accessories, display materials and marketing materials. The 35 accessories alone are worth $175 retail! There are also $299 and even $499 Starter Kits for those new consultants who are ready to rock & roll. Sign-up, book your first home party, and make money TODAY!
*For the first time in Paparazzi history, consultants will be able to buy whichever pieces they desire, in any specific quantity. NO MORE sets of 5. Every piece has become a blockbuster, which means you can order exactly what you know your customers will LOVE!
*Your customers will be able to order directly from Paparazzi's warehouse, which houses hundreds & hundreds of accessories in every style & color imaginable. And, they will do this all right from their own home! Paparazzi Consultants will then receive their 45% commission check in the mail.
*Hostesses will also be able to host parties online! The hostesses receive a party e-vite designed by their Consultant. The hostess then sends out their e-vites via social email, email, and can even prints them out to pass out to friends, neighbors and co-workers. Customers shop online, Paparazzi ships the inventory to the customer, and then credits the hostess 10% of party sales in FREE jewelry! Awesome!
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