Did you say $5? YEP!

Did you say $5?  YEP!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Milkin' It: Tip of the Week

When it comes to taxes, every little bit will help in the end.  The secret is to focus on your business, think about your business, and make all things "about" your business.  

Milkin' It 
Tip of the Week:

First and foremost, I am a mother.  Next, I am a wife. And then there are plenty of additional roles that are just a part of the previously listed two -- I'm a nurse, maid, personal chef, Lego-builder, spider-killer, professional toilet scrubber, butt-wiper, booger-getter. 

Somewhere in the midst of all these "other" jobs, I am also an Independent Consultant for Paparazzi Accessories.  It can be tough, some days, to even think about my business.  But, if I just take a second when I am drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning, I can create a way to make some part of my day "about" my business--even when it feels like every single minute of that day is dedicated to one of my many other jobs.

This week, I took my son swimming.  I remember the days when all you needed for a relaxing morning at the pool was a cold drink and a good book. Kids change that. Completely.  Now, it takes all morning for me to prepare for a not-so-relaxing time at the pool.  Instead of relaxing, drinking and reading at the pool, my new goal is to maintain constant supervision of my splashing, smiling son.

While loading the overflowing swim bag into the car, I quickly grabbed one of my business flyers.  While checking-in at the pool, I asked the receptionist permission to hang my flyer on their advertisement board.  I took note of the date, as well as the name of the rec-center employee who gave me permission. 

And, there you have it.  A small part of my day became "about" my business.  This trip was mostly about swimming.  It was mostly about that very important first role of mine--raising a little person.  But, I found a way to also make this day about my business. 

How did this help me?

First of all, our swimming pool is actually a hotsprings that hundreds of tourists frequent weekly. Someone is bound to see it, right??  And nobody would argue the "potential" business from hanging my flyer in such a busy-little place.

Second, we live 30 miles away.  So, on this particular day, I drove 60 miles for my business.  

As long as I record it in my records--to include the date, reason, and the miles driven--I am covered.  Again, I will caution you to not go overboard.  If you take your child to swim lessons 2 times a week, I would not count every single trip to the pool, just to hang a simple flyer, as a business expense.  That's a huge red flag come tax time.  But, on the other hand, if you are carting jewelry around in the back of your car, and selling the heck out of it to the Moms at swim lessons, then by all means those trips are business expenses.  Just make sure that somewhere on your sales receipts, you show record that your swim lesson sales were made right there at the pool.

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